How To Create SEO Friendly URL Structure?

A permalink stands for a permanent link of a post or a particular page of a blog. It also called the hyperlink. In the field of SEO, permalink plays a major role. Once a permalink is published it is unchangeable. So, it is important to make a permalink SEO friendly before it goes live. In this post, we will discuss all details and optimization process to create SEO friendly URL / permalink that helps to gear up your SEO level a little bit.

Ways to make SEO friendly URLs

Normally a healthy SEO URL looks like below:


Why URL’s Need To SEO Friendly

In short, a user and search engines use your permalink URLs to understand all about your content at a short period. A standard URL includes with your domain, title keyword, post/page keyword, and date if applicable.

You will find a huge SEO friendly URL generator and SEO friendly URL checker tool for free, I recommended to avoid them. Use your brain to create SEO friendly URL. Huh! The robot doesn't have a smart brain like you at all.

So, Let’s Get Started, How To Create SEO Friendly URLs?

1. Use Your Content Keywords

URL is a place to put your post related keywords. Never use unrelated keywords that don't relate to your post topic. If you write a post about curved TV, use Curved tv related keywords in your post URL also in your post title.

2. Add URL Keyword In The Content

It is just the reverse as the first point. Use your URL keywords in your post body. By doing this, search engines find your blog post SEO friendly just by placing your keywords in the right place.

For example, assume that Curved tv is a primary keyword. Use it in your post URL, post title and post body to create SEO friendly URL.

3. A Clear Idea From The URL

Try to give a clear idea from your post URL. Peoples will click on your URL in search results when they see your URL related with their search terms. It means it will increase your site's CTR.

READ ALSO: How To Increase Blog's Organic CTR (Coming Soon)

Ways to create SEO friendly URL for blog post

4. Stop Repetition Words

Avoid same word repetition in the post URL. Just one keyword is enough for an URL. Remember repeating the same keyword will not help your site to get ranked.

For example:

5. Don’t Use Capital Letter or Words

Never use any single capital letters in your post URL. It is totally restricted in the eyes of search engines. Sometimes it got an error from the server response.

For example:
Correct URL:
Incorrect URL:

    capital letter vs samll letter in seo friendly url

    6. About Using Hash #

    Don’t use a hash symbol in your URL instead to use it to send a user to a specific location of the same page.

    For example:
    Correct URL:
    Incorrect URL:

      LEARN: How To Add Quick Jump Link In A Post Using Hash? (Coming Soon)

      7. Don’t Use Underscore To Create SEO Friendly URL

      When you need to separate words in your URL simply use (-) hyphens. Never use underscores (_).

      For example:
      Correct URL:
      Incorrect URL:

        8. Keep URL Simple and Short

        Search engines love short URLs. Always try to keep your URL short as you can. But make sure it doesn’t lose the main meaning of the post content.


        9. Use https:// Secure Connection

        https stands for “Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure” which means your site is secured. It protects your site from unwanted threats and cyber-attacks. It’s a smart way to encrypt the data that send between your user from the browser and a web server. Especially needed for who sales online, any purpose that related to money or transferring any sensitive personal information.

        10. Easy To Read And Memorable

        URLs must be easy to read and memorize so that search engines and your users able to understand your whole content just by seeing your post link only. This will increase your CTR and user experience.

        11. Avoid Using Dates

        In this fact, bad luck for blogger users. The date makes a URL longer. If you use dates, it is not possible to update your content on the current date. So, if you have a self-hosted blog then must avoid placing dates in your post URL. Use the custom structure for writing port URLs.

        Standard URL example without date:

        12. Don’t Use Same Blog Post Titles In URL

        Don’t Use Blog Post Titles in your URL. Remember it’s a place to insert your keyword. So if you use your blog post URL same as your post headline you will lose one chance to place your keyword. Always keep your post URL simple but attractive and keyword richer.


        Finally, I hope you have got some informative tricks on how to create SEO friendly URL for your blog post. If this helps, please share and comment below. I will come back to you with a new post soon. Till then stay well and be happy. Allah Hafez.
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