Best 10+ Important Tasks For New Blog Admin

Starting a new blog always exciting and interesting. Being a blog Admin as the first time we always busy with our theme, first post, gadget settings, social media marketing or something like this. Actually, this is not only from the experiment report but also from my personal blogging history.

Tips and tricks for blog admins

But, do you know these all tasks are not so far important works for your blog as a blog  Admin. There are some few essential tasks are available that are important for your blogger blog. In this post, we will discuss them.

01. Choose Your Niche And Publish The First Post

Don’t just waste your time to decoration your blog all the time, Remember, the design is not so far important to bring readers. You must decide on which topic you are going to write on your blog and publish your posts. Make sure your first post is informative and worthy for your targeted readers.

02. Care About All SEO Techniques

Search engine optimization is very important to get visitors from the search engines. Getting traffic from search engines is called organic traffic. Always care about your SEO facts. If you are not expert on SEO you can hire an SEO expert to take care of your SEO points. I have mentioned some major SEO elements that you must consider about your blog.

  • Placing Keywords / Long tail keywords in the right place
  • Google/ Bing search console setup (Read Tutorial: Google | Bing)
  • Post title and permalinks
  • Page Speed
  • Responsive web design
  • Social media activities
  • User experience
  • Internal and Outbound links
  • DA and PA Score
  • Image optimization and alt tag
  • All Off-page SEO facts

03. Remove Default or Pre-added Gadgets

When we first install a new blogger theme we found a lot of gadgets which are not actually useful and sometimes totally unnecessary. So, after implementing your blogger theme go to your blog admin panel Layout page and remove the gadgets that you do not wish use. Gadgets can be removed from template also, but do not try from blogger template if you are not expert in codes.

04. Check (or change) Your Permalinks

Permalink is a permanent post link for a blog post. In blogger, you can not change your post permalink once it published. So, whenever you are going to publish a new post it is necessary to customize your post link in the base of your keyword phrase. Your post permalink URL will be indexed by search engine robots and it is the URL that people see in the browser. Permalink URL structure something looks like below.

For optimizing your permalink for SEO please read:

05. Fill Out Your Social Media Links

It is an easy task. In default or new blogger template, you will get the social media links are not complete and these must be edited with your own social media links. To do that simply go to your blogger theme and find out the default social media links, re-edit and save them with your own links.

06. Make Sure Your Contact Form Works

As a blogger you will get huge invitations, requests, suggestions, complains, advertising query, etc. from your worldwide customers or readers. So, make sure your contact form and other details are working fine.

07. Set Up Google Analytics and Search Console

Humm! Google search console and analytics are very important free SEO tools for any serious blogger. Without setting up these you can’t go ahead a step in your blogging career. For you all I have already written…

08. Delete All Unnecessary Gadgets

Never load your blog with unnecessary gadgets like flags, stat counter, live readers, animated clocks etc. These are not professional and increase your blog load time which is not good for your blog. If you find any harmful gadget available in your blog just after installing a new template simply remove them from the layout page. If you will find it locked, please read how to unlock gadgets in blogger blog.

09. Make Sure Your Blog Is Mobile Responsive

Nowadays almost every blogger template is mobile responsive. If your blogger theme is not friendly with all types of device screen, kindly change your blogger template.

You can check by Google Mobile-Friendly Tool whether your web page mobile friendly or not.

10. Create "About Us" Blog Page As Smart Blog Admin

I think you are going to be a professional blogger. Isn’t it? Have you created your About Us or About Blog pages? If not yet, just create it. This page will say about everything your blog and about your works. This look like a professional blogger.

11. Setup Email Marketing Client

Email marketing is an essential fact for blogger. There is a lot of email marketing client available online for free. Just grab one of them and start email marketing of your blog. I personally use “MailChimp” for my email marketing. All you need to create your account, setting up your RSS feed and all email list, design your template, setting time and start automatic sending.

Now please it's your turn to subscribe us. Just write your email address below and hit Enter.

12. Subscribe To The Top Blogs

Lastly, I recommend you to read and read other major blogs to learn more and subscribe to them. Try to create a good relationship with other top blog authors. This technique also helps you to get a new blog post idea/ topic to write your next blog post.

Here are some major blogs I follow as a blog admin...
HubSpot, Mashable, Shoutmeloud, Brightside, Content Marketing Institute.

Hope these points help. If you think I missed something important that should be added in this post please let me know by comment below. Stay well and be happy.
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