How To Fix Duplicate Content Error In Blogger Caused By Archive URLs?

Hello bloggers, if you are a serious blogger then this post is for you. Have you noticed duplicate meta descriptions or duplicate content error on your Google search console under HTML Improvements section or any other duplicate content checker? If yes and you are looking for its solution then you are in right place.

Fix Duplicate Content Error In Blogger and Search Console

Why Duplicate Meta Description/ Content or Title Error Occurs?

Normally Google will index your all links except those links that you have blocked manually by NoFollow tag or Robots.txt file. So, if you have not blocked your archive pages from indexing, Google will index them.

Archive pages are not user-friendly search results and those pages have not their own meta titles, descriptions and contents. So, to meet up search engine results rules they take meta descriptions and content details from any of existing blog posts or individual pages which will occur duplicate meta description error duplicate content error in search console. It is also called internal duplicate content error or duplicate content on same domain. Note that Google duplicate content penalty is a hard kick to your blog or website. So, fix it now.

Before jump to the tutorial, let's see the 1:37 mins video of Matt Cutts about duplicate meta descriptions or duplicate content...

Things to remember...

  1. Archive pages cannot be blocked by Robots.txt file in blogger blog.
  2. You cannot remove Archive pages from search engine results by using Google link removal tool.
  3. If your question is, how much duplicate content is acceptable? The answer is ZERO will be better.
  4. According to Matt Cutts, no meta description is better than duplicate meta descriptions.

So, what’s the solution to fix duplicate content error In blogger blog?
Well, today I will share with you duplicate content fixing steps that shown in Google search console.

I have divided this guideline into three steps and you must complete all of these. Let's start.

Step 01: Editing Blogger Template To Fix Duplicate Content Error In Blogger

1. Log in to your blogger blog.

2. Go to Theme from left side menu.

3. Backup your template before any change. (Important)

4. Click EDIT HTML

5. Click in the code box and press CTRL+F. Search for <head>

6. Paste the below code just below the <head> tag

<!-- archive page noindex markup -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;archive&quot;'>
<meta content='noindex,noarchive' name='robots'/>

7: Finally click Save Theme button.

Step 02: Adding Custom Robots.txt

1. Go to Settings then click Search preferences.

2. Enable Custom robots.txt option and paste the following text.

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google*
Allow: /

User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Allow: /

User-agent: Adsbot-Google
Allow: /

User-agent: Googlebot-Mobile
Allow: /

User-agent: Twitterbot
Allow: /

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Allow: /
Allow: /*html?m=1


Replace the Yellow highlighted area with your own blog URL.

3. Click Save Changes.

After saving your Custom robots.txt you can check it by browsing your blog as:


If you see your changes in the browser than your Custom robots.txt file successfully changed.

Step 03: Customizing Robots Header Tags

1. Again Go to Settings then click Search preferences.

2. Enable Custom Robots Header Tags option and tick mark as I shown in the below screenshot.

Fix Duplicate Meta descriptions error

3. After completing check marking click Save Changes.

That’s all and you are done to fix duplicate content error in blogger blog.

Important Note: You need to wait at least 05 - 10 days to see the change effects. If your search engine crawler rate is good you will see results very soon. For me, it took 12 days to vanish 82 Duplicate meta descriptions from search console as well as from Google search engine results too.

My HTML Improvements Proof Report...

HTML Improvements report

Some Tested SEO tutorials for your blogger blog that you should read...

  1. How To Add NoFollow Tag To Blogger Archive Links?
  2. Where Should Point Backlinks : Homepage Or Post URL?
  3. 10 Quick Tips To Get Traffic On A Blog
  4. How To Improve Alexa Ranking Globally
  5. 50+ Advertising Ways To Promote Your Business

Hope this post helps. If you need any support about duplicate content seo issue, feel free to ask me anytime through the comment below. I will try to response your message as soon as possible on Google duplicate content myth and all SEO related problems. Stay well and Allah Hafez.
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