3 Things You Should Not Do After 10 PM

After working whole day, now you are in home and its 10 PM on your clock and you are still wearing your undergarments. It’s not perfect. Do you know, it is a bad habit and also it can be harmful for your health. There are some more things you should not do after 10 o’clock at night. If you’ll do, it can disturb your sleep, mind or overall your entire health.

do not do after 10pm shinemat

1. Specially Say NO To Smoking After Night 10

Many peoples have a habit to smoke after dinner or late night. Research says, night smokers feel more tired than non-smokers at morning. Moreover, the sleeping levels of smokers are very low which is very bad for health even it can increase the change of Type 2 diabetes or sudden brain stroke.

2. NO Meat Or Hard Food At Night

Remember, night is best time for perfect relaxation and so for your body. So, never eat so much and do not eat hard food which can busy your stomach for long time to digestion. Eat fresh vegetables and light food.

3. NO MORE Undergarments After 10 PM

It’s time to open your cloths. Ha Ha Ha… Don’t fear. I am just kidding.
Well seriously, turn off your bra, panties, underwear at night. Because, these types of cloths are very tight with body and it can disturb your blood circulation at night while sleeping. Just release your body from tight cloths. Try to wear simple and loose-fitting dresses.

Hope you enjoyed to read. Please share and comment below.
Have fun and of course sleep well at night…
Sweet dreams… Allah Hafez.
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