20 Points To Evaluate Employee Performance?

When you want to appraise your employee for a departmental review, a promotion or any specific reason then you have to complete an employee evaluation process that must be applied on all staff on your department.

In this post you will find the key points that should be considered during preparing the fair employee performance review report.

SEE ALSO: Top 10 Great Interview Tricks For Job.

Evaluate Employee Performance Report factors

The Rating Process:

Below are 20 areas of performance.
Apply all performance area with a number between 1 to 5.

1 for Unsatisfactory.
2 for Fair.
3 for Good.
4 for Very Good.
5 for Excellent.

Now, after rating each performance criteria count all in total and divide by 20.

The Performance Factors:

1. Overall Attendance.

2. Focusing on Task.

3. Behavior With Co-Workers.

4. Communication Skills.

5. Target Achievement.

6. Improved From Previous Evaluation.

7. Technical Knowledge.

8. Quality and Quantity of Work.

9. Working in Pressure.

10. Work in a Team.

11. Time Maintain.

12. Leadership Skills.

13. Dress Code.

14. Knowledge of Company Policy and Conditions.

15. Reliability.

16. Customer Support Rating.

17. Creativity and Problem Solving Mind.

18. Job Knowledge.

19. Dependability.

20. Project Planning and Implementation.

Evaluate Employee Performance

Now, after calculating the performance report as showing above, give it a comment as below.

1 Point for “Required Training and Improvement.
2 Point for “Meets Just Some Functions.
3 Point for “Standard, Need More Training.
4 Point for “Very Good, Meets Almost Everything.
5 Point for “Exceptional, Fully Meets All Job Requirements.

Hope this helps. If you get anything wrong or need to correct please let us know. Have a nice day, Allah Hafez pals.
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